For your convenience here are some Show Me/Tell Me Videos we found on YouTube for many of the cars our instructors use.
Please ensure you’ve gone through your specific vehicle with your instructor.
Under the Bonnet of a Vauxhall Corsa
Your instructor will advise you on how to open and close the bonnet safely
Although it may be necessary in order to carry out some of the checks, the ability to open the bonnet is, in itself, not one of the competencies which candidates are required to demonstrate.

Tell me how you would check that the engine has sufficient engine coolant.
The engine coolant header tank is located to the right as you are standing in front of the vehicle.
Point at the header tank and identify the "High / Low" markings on the side. The header tank should only be topped up when the engine is cold.
Tell me how you would check that the engine has sufficient oil
Identify dipstick/oil level indicator, describe check of oil level against the minimum/ maximum markers
Point at the dipstick (The yellow loop to the left in the photo) and explain that with the engine cold you would remove the dipstick, wipe it clean, reinsert it, remove it and check it against the min and max markers.

Tell me how you would check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid
Identify reservoir, check level against high/low markings.
The reservoir is located in the upper left of the engine bay when stood in front of the vehicle and has high/low markers on the side.