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DVSA – ADI Part 3 Changes – More information

By September 6, 2016January 1st, 2017Uncategorized

More information released this week from the DVSA on ‘improving’ the ADI Part 3.

As you’ll see below the National Standard which I’ve covered in previous posts plays a key part.

PDI’s and ADI’s need to ensure they are familiar with it, it forms the basis for the New Part 3, the syllabus that you should be teaching and the Standards Check.

Over the past few months, we’ve been speaking to the approved driving instructor (ADI) industry and organisations on DVSA’s Official Register of Driving Instructor Trainers (ORDIT) about improving the training and testing of trainee driver instructors.

In this blog post, I’ll be talking about how we’re proposing to change the ADI Part 3 test and the reasons for doing so.

Aligning with the National standard

In April 2014, we introduced the ‘standards check’ which changed the way we assessed ADIs; focussing on assessing their competence to deliver effective training in line with the National standard for driver and rider training.

We therefore want to mirror this in the qualification process so that new instructors are trained in this way from the outset.

Why we’re changing

The industry has confirmed that the current fault-based ADI Part 3 test, which relies on pre-set tests and role play exercises, is both unrealistic and restrictive. It doesn’t give trainee instructors enough opportunity to demonstrate the full range of skills that will they need when qualified.

The change will mean that new ADIs won’t need to undertake additional training or learn different teaching methods ahead of their standards check.

It will also enable the test to be delivered at a greater number of test centres and local to where their training has taken place.

The main changes

We’ll be moving to a competency-based assessment. Trainee instructors will be assessed over a single one-hour lesson on the 3 main competencies of lesson planning, risk management and teaching and learning strategies. They’ll also be assessed on an additional 17 sub-competencies.

[Note from XT – This is exactly the same number of competencies that are on the SC1 Standards Check form given the alignment mentioned above I think it’s fair to assume it will be the same sub-competencies]


Also, there’ll be no more role play by a DVSA examiner – trainee instructors must provide a ‘real’ pupil. This could be a friend, family member or colleague.

The lesson will have to reflect the learning goals and needs of their pupil.

To ensure that trainee instructors obtain the required range of skills, knowledge and understanding we’re exploring the use of a log book in which they and their trainer record the subjects covered, the different levels of instruction given and overall progress.  

Most, if not all instructor trainers already record progress like this and DVSA are happy for them to continue to use or adapt their existing processes.  

When will this happen?

We need to produce an impact assessment first, setting out the costs and benefits of making the change.  We also need to consider those trainee instructors who are already in the process of qualifying and give trainers time to develop their learning materials.  Therefore, we won’t be introducing this change until Autumn 2017 at the earliest.  

We’ll keep you updated on timing and how we’re developing ORDIT as things progress.

[Autumn 2017 is the earliest date for implementation which means we can continue to offer existing Part 3 Training in the meantime]